Section 6: Technology Use

6.0 Technology Use

Technology is an important part of how our team collaborates and how we serve our clients. We realize that having access to certain systems and programs is essential to employees’ success. Employees are encouraged to use the technology available to them to do their job. Company resources are provided primarily for business purposes. Limited personal use is acceptable.

Employees must use good judgment when using Company-provided technology, including but not limited to:

  • Access to the Internet

  • Social networking and related media tools

  • Communication methods such as email, text, secure e-mail, and voicemail

  • Approved personal or Company issued devices, including smart phones and other mobile devices that access the Company network

  • Private web-based email accounts such as Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. that you may access through company-provided technologies

  • Information that is retrieved and stored in company-owned hard drives or in temporary intranet files.

General provisions that apply to all employees:

  • Employees may only use authorized tools and processes to store personal information, confidential financial data or other non-public, proprietary company information.

  • Employees who have questions about what is appropriate or authorized must contact their supervisor or another member of the leadership team.

  • All Electronic Communications contained in company Systems are considered company records and/or property. Although an employee may have an individual password to access Company Systems, the Systems and Electronic Communications belong to the Company.

  • All Systems, program passwords and encryption keys must be continually available and known to the Company. Employees may not install password or encryption programs without the written permission of their supervisor.

  • The Systems and Electronic Communications are accessible to the company at all times, this includes unannounced inspections.

  • Company Systems and Electronic Communications are subject to use, access, monitoring, review, recording, and disclosure without further notice.

  • Company Systems and Electronic Communications are not confidential or private.

  • The Company’s right to use, access, monitor, record, and disclose Electronic Communications without further notice applies equally to employee-provided systems or equipment used in the workplace, during working time, or to accomplish work tasks.

Use of cell phones and mobile devices during work:

Employee’s dedication to teamwork and excellent performance is central to success on the job. Excessive personal calls, e-mails, or text messaging during the workday, regardless of the device used, can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. Employees should make every attempt to handle personal matters on non-work time and ensure that friends and family members are aware of the policy. Of course, exceptions will be made for emergency situations, and as approved in advance by a member of the leadership team. All company policies apply to the use of technology. These include, but are not limited to, our expectations regarding harassment, discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, violence in the workplace, and privacy of non-public proprietary company information. Discriminatory, unethical, and/or inappropriate behavior when using these technologies or social media will not be tolerated.

Numerous state and federal laws apply to Electronic Communications. These laws protect both individual employees and the Company. The Company will comply with applicable laws. Employees also must comply with applicable laws and should recognize that an employee could be personally liable and/or subject to fines and imprisonment for violation of applicable laws. Violations of this Technology policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, as well as possible civil liabilities or criminal prosecution. The Company will not, of course, retaliate against anyone who reports possible policy violations or assists with investigations. Employees, who have questions about the acceptable use of our Systems or the content of Electronic Communications should speak with their supervisor or management  for advance clarification.

6.1 Technology Use While Driving

The Company expects employees to follow all local laws and exercise good judgment, including when driving on company time or conducting business while driving, at all times. Use of cell phones or other types of mobile devices while driving increases the likelihood of an accident-causing injury to oneself or others. While driving for work, the use of a cell phone or other mobile devices is strongly discouraged by the company.

The Company expects employees to avoid unnecessary use of such devices while driving, even where applicable law does not restrict use. To the extent possible, employees should only communicate on mobile devices when safely parked. If employees must make a call while driving, they are expected to use hands-free devices, keep the calls brief, and exercise extreme caution. Employees who are charged with traffic violations resulting from the use of their mobile devices while driving for work-related purposes will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such actions.

6.2 Email Communication

Email is not a secure form of communication. Even with proper safeguards in place, information communicated via email can become vulnerable. Clients have the option to email with our office, but are advised that information of a clinical nature should never be shared via email.

It is company policy that therapists will not directly email or text clients for any reason in order to adhere to HIPAA regulations. This is meant to protect professional boundaries as well as River Rock Behavioral Health in the event of a security audit. Secure messaging is now available through the HIPAA-compliant patient portal, and it is expected that therapists will communicate with clients only through HIPAA-approved methods of communication. Most typically, this means communicating to clients via telephone and secure patient portal.

6.3 Bring Your Own Device

Employees  have the opportunity to use their personal electronic devices for work purposes. Personal electronic devices include personally owned cell phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers.

Restrictions on authorized use

Employees whose personal devices have camera, video, or recording capability are restricted from using those functions except where required for their job, or authorized in advance by leadership.

 While at work, employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using their personal devices as would be expected for the use of Company devices. Company policies pertaining to harassment, discrimination, retaliation, trade secrets, confidential information, and ethics apply to employee use of personal devices for work- related activities. No client data is to be downloaded to or stored on a personal device without express consent from management. 

Privacy & Company Access

No employee using their personal device should expect privacy except that which is governed by law. Company leadership reserves the right to review or retain personal and Company-related data on personal devices or to release the data to government agencies or third parties during a workplace investigation or litigation. 

Lost, Stolen, Hacked or Damaged Equipment

Employees are expected to protect personal devices used for work-related purposes from loss, damage or theft. The Company will not be responsible for loss or damage of personal applications or data resulting from the use of Company applications or the wiping of Company information. Employees must immediately notify their supervisor in the event their personal device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Termination of Employment

Upon resignation or termination of employment, or at any time on request, the employee may be asked to produce the personal device for inspection. All Company data on personal devices will be removed upon termination of employment. Failure to follow these policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6.4 Social Media

Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else's weblog or blog, journal or diary, personal website, social networking or affinity website, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with the Company, as well as any other form of electronic communication.

The same principles and guidelines found in other Company policies apply to employee activities online. Ultimately, each employee is solely responsible for what they post online.

Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind that any conduct that adversely affects job performance, the performance of fellow associates, or otherwise adversely affects clients, suppliers, people who work on behalf of the Company, or the Company’s legitimate business interests may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Social Media Guidelines:

  • Post only appropriate and respectful content: always being fair and courteous to fellow associates, clients, members, suppliers, or people who work on behalf of the Company.

  • Maintain the confidentiality of company trade secrets and private or confidential information. Trade secrets may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, know-how, and technology. Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures, or other internal business-related confidential communication. 

  • Do not create a link from your blog, website, or other social networking site to a Company website or social media account without identifying yourself as a Company associate. 

  • Express only your personal opinions. Never represent yourself as a spokesperson for the Company.

  • Under no circumstances should you communicate with a client on social media. If a client attempts to contact you, they should be redirected to contacting the administration team with any questions or concerns they may have.

  • If the Company is a subject of the content you are creating, be clear and open about the fact that you are an associate and make it clear that your views do not represent those of the Company, fellow associates, members, customers, suppliers, or people working on behalf of the Company. If you do publish a blog or post online anything related to the work you do or subjects associated with the Company, make it clear that you are not speaking on behalf of the Company

  • If you are providing information about yourself and/or the office in order to garner referrals, please do not provide specific scheduling or insurance information as these variables can change quickly and possibly result in frustrated and confused clients.

As you may expect, River Rock Behavioral Health may monitor public content on the Internet. In certain situations, policy violations may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment.

Work Conflicts and Social Media:

Conflicting ideas often arise between co-workers. It is the opinion of River Rock Behavioral Health that employees are more likely to resolve work related complaints by speaking directly with co-workers or by utilizing company problem-solving policy than by posting complaints to a social media outlet. Nevertheless, if the employee decides to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs, video, or audio that reasonably could be viewed as maliciously false, obscene, threatening, or intimidating, that defames customers, competitors, vendors, or employees or that might constitute harassment or bullying. 

Examples of such conduct might include posts meant to put someone in fear for their physical safety or psychological well-being; posts designed to cast someone in a false light to the public; posts that invade a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy; or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, age, gender, national origin, color, disability, religion, or other status protected by federal, state or local law.

Violations and Other Information

Employees are encouraged to report violations of this policy. The Company prohibits retaliation against any employee for reporting a possible violation of this policy or for cooperating in an investigation.

Where applicable, the company complies with state laws concerning access to an employee's personal social networking account, including restrictions concerning employer requests for an employee's username and/or password.

Nothing in this policy is designed to limit an employee's right under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, including discussing wages or other terms of employment.

If you have questions or need further guidance, employees should contact their supervisor or a member of the leadership team.


Section 5: Employee Benefits & Perks


Section 7: General Workplace Safety